Clom 50 Xeno Labs USA


(In Stock)


Main goals of post-course therapy

Androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS) put a lot of strain on the hormonal system. After taking them, the goals are to:

  • to establish a healthy hormonal balance;
  • to reduce setback and retain the maximum amount of muscle mass gained;
  • to prevent the appearance of woman-like boobs in men;
  • save the testicles from shrinking;
  • restore sexual activity;
  • improve blood counts;
  • protect the liver and avoid liver disease;
  • lower the level of the hormone cortisol.

How to take Clomid on SCT?

It is worth remembering that taking clomid both time and dosage depend on the course of steroids that was taken. It is not necessary to take clomid during the course of AAS. Clomiphene after the course helps to restore the level of endogenous hormones as soon as possible, as well as to retain the gained mass.

So, as for when to start taking it, it all depends on the steroid on the course, I usually consider the half-life. For example, if you had testosterone enanthate, then the SCT starts 14 days after the last injection. Dosages always depend on the severity of the course, the approximate scheme of intake will look like this:

  1. Very heavy course – 3*150/12*100/15*50/15*25;
  2. Heavy course – 15*100/15*50/15*25;
  3. Medium course – 30*50/15*25;
  4. Easy course -15*50/15*25/15*25(every 2 days);
  5. Very easy course – 15*50/15*25.

Clomid side effects

Side effects are rare, but still there are side effects. After taking clomid you may have problems with vision, as well as any oral drug it is toxic to the liver, although to a small extent.

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


Formulaire de discharge


1 compressed, mg



Laboratories Xeno

volume de commande

Pacchetto (30 Comprimés)


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