Clomid Mactropin


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Therapeutic uses: induces ovulation in women, used in the treatment of various ovarian disorders and in the treatment of male sterility.


It is not an anabolic-androgenic steroid, it is a synthetic estrogen that is primarily used to treat female diseases. However, men use it because of its ability to increase endogenous testosterone production. It can normalize spermatogenesis and testosterone production. Despite the fact that “clomid” is a synthetic estrogen, paradoxically, it also acts as a weak antiestrogen. This is because it exhibits only low estrogenic effects and thus blocks stronger estrogens in the receptors, which are formed e.g. by aromatization of steroids. “Clomid” is a much weaker substance than tamoxifen, for comparison 150mg of “clomid” = approx. 20mg of tamoxifen. Therefore, in the case of gynecomastia prophylaxis, it is better to use other latices than “clomid”. Side effects include severe visual disturbances, stomach pain, vomiting, weight gain, hot flushes, it is mildly hepatoxic.


Its half-life is 5-7 days. Available information suggests that the daily dose is in the range of 50-300 mg. Often mentioned dosing in PCT is 300mg on the first day, then 10 days at 100mg daily, and the last 10 days at 50mg daily. Tablets are taken either 1 to 2 times daily.

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


Formulaire de discharge


1 compressed, mg




volume de commande

Sachet (100 compressed)


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