Clomy 50 mg Gen-shi Laboratories

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What is Clomy (Nutrition Sachets) 50 mg 30 Tablets Gen-Shi Labs.?

Clomid is an estrogen receptor, is also called as clomy, clomen, klomen, clomiphene and so on. Bodybuilders and athletes use that about 3 weeks later from end of their cycles into post cycle therapy(PCT). Clomid prevents estrogen from binding there to cause gynecomastia. Clomid is essentially a drug which acts as a preventative measure against gyno, to catch natural testosterone levels up. On the other hand, clomid is much more weaker than nolvadex, nearly, 150 mgs of clomid equal 20 mgs of nolvadex. There is an important point. 150 mgs of clomid will still raise testosterone levels approximately 150% to baseline value. Nolvadex and clomid have very similar effects. They can be used for long term treatment to raise testosterone levels( to catch natural levels.). It’s safe to use up to 4 months. And according to most of studies clomid is most effective drug to fight against low testosterone levels.

Using and Dosage

Clomid should be begun to take 3 weeks later from end of cycle. The dosage depends on your cycle especially the important point is amount of testosterone. That’s because clomid is used for raising testosterone levels in your body. The most common recommended dosage is 100 mgs/day for first 10 days thereafter complete to 30 days(use 20 more days) with 50 mgs/day.As i stated above, dosage could be changed depending on content of your cycle.

Side Effects

All drugs can cause side effects but, to be honest saying, many people have no or minör side effects with clomid. Just in case I would like to share the possible side effects which are rare of clomid. Blurred vision or vision problems (spots or flashes); breast tenderness; dizziness; enlarged breasts; enlargement of the ovaries; flushing; headache; hot flashes; lightheadedness; mood change; nausea; pelvic pain or bloating; stomach pain; vomiting.

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


Formulaire de discharge


1 compressed, mg


Plaquettes thermoformed by package, pieces



Laboratoires Gen-shi

volume de commande

1 blister of 30 compresses, 1 pack (2 bulls)


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