Clombolic 50 mg Cooper Pharma


(In Stock)


Description Clombolic Clomiphene Citrate

Clomiphene, a drug that induces ovulation in women or fertility, can be used to increase the amount of sperm in the male. In most cases it normalizes testosterone levels and spermatogenesis within 10 to 14 days. Clomiphene stimulates the pituitary gland to release more gonadotropin so that a faster and higher release of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinising hormone) occurs. This results in an elevated level of endogenous male natural testosterone production. It also enhances activity between the midbrain (hypothalamus), pituitary gland, ovaries and testes. It promotes gonadotropin production and in turn increases testosterone levels. The usual dose is 50 mg daily immediately after stopping the anabolic cycle and for no more than 15 days.

Clomiphene in conjunction with HCG (Human Chorionic Hormone) Ovigyl. is ideal for fertility treatments.

Most athletes start with 100 mg per day of Clomiphene by taking one 50 mg capsule every morning and evening after meals. After the fifth day the dosage is reduced to a single 50 mg capsule per day. It is not normally necessary to take the compound for more than 10 days to increase endogenous testosterone production.

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


Formulaire de discharge


1 compressed, mg



Cooper Pharma

volume de commande

Sachet (50 packs)


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