ClomiGen Myogen


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How to take Clomid on SCT

The scheme of recovery with Clomid after a course of steroids depends on its duration and the amount of stimulants taken. The stronger the steroid dosage was and the longer the cycle lasted, the more time it will take to return the body’s functions to normal.

  • After an ultralight course: 15 days at 50 mg, then the next 15 days at 25 mg
  • After a light course: 15 days X 50 mg, 15 days X 25 mg, 15 times (once every 2 days) at 25 mg
  • After moderate intake: 30 dn. X 50 mg, 15 dn. X 25 mg
  • After intensive intake: 15 days X 100 mg, 15 days X 50 mg, 15 days X 25 mg
  • After superdoses: 3 days X 150 mg, 12 days X 100 mg, 15 days X 50 mg, 15 days X 25 mg.

Other anti-estrogen drugs are also used to restore the production of own testosterone. What works better depends on many factors. Generally, several pairs of drugs are compared:

Clomid or Tamoxifen? Competing remedies are similar in structure, but the latter drug is stronger. Therefore, less of it is required to restore testosterone. At the same time, it is believed that the described remedy is the best choice for SCT after taking progestins.
Proviron or Clomid? Both medications have an anti-estrogenic effect, but each of them in its own way. The difference is as follows: Clomid stimulates tissues to release hormones, which helps increase endogenous testosterone levels, while Proviron inhibits the enzymes responsible for the transformation of steroid hormones into estrogens.

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


Formulaire de discharge


1 compressed, mg


Plaquettes thermoformed by package, pieces




volume de commande

1 pack (1 bull)


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